So over the past few days I've been thinking of a thousand things to blog about and since it's been a while and I finally have a quiet moment while A is sleeping and I have nothing better to do, I thought I'd share some thoughts. I need to make room in my head for other things! So, just to update everyone who doesn't know about what has been going on in our lives this past week. We are currently homeless...well sort of. Our home is in no condition to be lived in at the moment. Last Saturday evening the apartment directly below us caught on fire. Our apartment was damaged by the large amount of smoke and we haven't been able to stay there since. Luckily we have the best friends in the whole entire world! Our dear friends from church have been so gracious to allow A and me to stay in their home for the last week. I can not begin to express how grateful I am for them and all that they've done for little A and me.
But, I've been doing my best at thinking positive lately since I have a tendency to think on the negative side of everything. Positive thinking as it turns out has been to my huge advantage as of late though. I might be crazier if I'd only focused on the bad things that have been happening. But, here is a list of some of the things that I've come up with that are the silver lining of the unfortunate events that have happened to us lately.
1. Because of the fire we will be saving on our rent what it has cost us to make two car repairs in the last month. (which was money we didn't really have)
2. Because of the fire we were able to be with friends who love us and care for us, and we were not alone during the hurricane that just went through.
3. Because of the fire we are getting our carpets cleaned which will also help us have a better chance of getting our security deposit back at the end of our lease.
4. Because of the fire I've become a little more assertive (I had to yell a little to get the apartment complex to do anything for us!)
5. Because of the fire our renters insurance is going to cover the clean up of all of our belongings (Lucky me I didn't just do laundry)
6. We just got our renters insurance policy, thank goodness!
7. Because of the fire I've learned a lot about my rights and how to get what I need done
These are a few things that I've come up with, but I'm sure there are more that I'm missing. I just know that the Lord works in mysterious ways and I'm so grateful that he has a plan for us. In just the past month my testimony has grown so much in several areas, and I know more today that we will never be given more than we can handle and that our challenges make us better people if we let them. Yes, I am a 23 year old single mother of a 2 year old, but that does not mean that I am stupid, less capable, or less deserving. I can still help others and I deserve respect as much as any other adult.
Enough of my little rant, on to one other thought that wouldn't make a decent post on it's own so I'll tack it on here...I really hope that my future husband is handy...the end =D
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