Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's not all about winning, but it sure is nice

So last night we were invited by friends to join their family for their gingerbread house making night. A and I joined them for dinner, hot dogs and french fries, and then we jumped right in to building our little houses. I've never successfully built a gingerbread house, many attempted, but never a success; but last night I was determined to complete this one. I didn't know how attractive it would be, but I knew I wasn't going to give up. I started building my base around a good and plenty candy box, and it seemed to be going well. After I struggled with the roof it was time to decorate. I added a few things, and a few more things. We had good conversation and people came and went but I stayed there and dedicated my night to making this gingerbread house the best I could. I think all in all I spent around three hours on it, but it was very worth it! It turned out great, at least I thought so. Then it was time to put everyone's houses on the bar and have them judged. The judge walked around and commented on all of the houses, and then he picked the winner...drum roll please...HE PICKED MINE!!! I was so proud! At this very moment it's taking up a significant amount of room in my fridge and I will keep it in there until I get sick of moving around it.


  1. hahaha... I love you!! Glad you had a fun time. It was the pool that made yours a winner!! :)
